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VR for Diversity: Research

VR for Diversity is a research project that was conducted at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences between October 2020 and October 2022. It was funded by SIA RAAK, with the specific aim to connect the creative industries, HvA students and academic research partners.

The research project
The main research questions for this project focused on the use of interaction in VR: do users feel more connected to the narrative when they can interact with the storyworld? Do they feel more engaged? Does the option of interaction influence the persuasive power of a VR experience?

The stories that were chosen for the experiments all represented different impressions of the concept of diversity, such as gender equality, lhbtiq+ issues or VR for senior citizens.

On this website we present the output of VR for Diversity: the VR experiences, the student projects, the academic papers and all the workshops, tutorials, presentations and news items that have been produced in the duration of the project.