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Mark Rothko VR Experience

On average, a museum visitor looks at a work of art for thirty seconds, so they do not always take the time to fully absorb a work. Especially when it comes to a painting by Rothko. For this reason, the Stedelijk Museum Schiedam created an exhibition with one of his works of art. However, this turned out to be only temporary. That’s why I decided to develop a product where you don’t need a physical painting to experience his work in a unique way.

End result
The Mark Rothko VR Experience allows the user to experience a personal and exclusive experience with 3 iconic paintings by Mark Rothko. In addition to interacting with the painting, the VR experience also offers the user the opportunity to find out what abstraction meant to Rothko and how he proceeded. But what makes the VR application different from a visit to a Rothko exhibition?
– The VR experience makes it possible to place 3 iconic paintings in their original space of Schiedam, London and Texas.
– No jammers, you will be the only one present. This puts you in control of the time you take to experience a painting.
– You have the opportunity to listen to specially composed music for Rothko. This can help you convey the emotional charge of Rothko’s work.