With third year students of (Visual Effects &) Immersive Media from the Netherlands Film Academy at the Amsterdam University of the Arts
Yearly, starting in 2021-2022
Teachers: Nikki van Sprundel, Victorine van Alphen
When Visual Effect and Immersive Media (VFX/IM) were still one course, every year students from VFX/IM who were in their third year and interested in graduating in Immersive Media could sign up for a Masterclass in VR. The Masterclass then was tailored to the learning needs of those students.
In 2021-2022 two students applied. They had an intense two-on-two Masterclass of one week, in which they learned how to use their own hopes, fears, struggles and feelings as inspiration for a concept of a VR experience. They also learned tools to take inspiration from the outside. They then worked their concept out in VR through the use of Gravity Sketch and presented it to their teachers and each other.
The opportunity to choose their own Masterclasses in year 3 of the Immersive Media (IM) course will stay now students have already chosen to graduate in IM when applying for their first year of the bachelor program. To give students a broader perspective, they will be able to get masterclasses about anything within the field om IM, not just VR.