VRAcademy workshop in collaboration with IDlab
Yearly, starting from 2021-2022
Teachers: Victorine van Alphen, Leon Rogissart, Paul Boereboom, Willem Weemhoff, Jilt van Moorst
The VR Theatre workshop is a collaboration between the Bachelors Immersive Media of the Netherlands Film Academy and Theatre Directing of the Academy of Theatre and Dance, in which students work one-on-one with each other on Theatrical VR experiences. In four weeks fulltime, they work from creating a concept inspired by the medium itself to a finished result in VR. The directors also think about what should happen right before and after their audience sees the VR piece. They make those moments part of the experience by involving actors and/or making a set that suites what they want the audience to experience. The directors have one additional week without their Immersive Media colleagues to create this live component of the experience. The results are presented at locations on the Marineterrein in Amsterdam (where the VRAcademy is based).
This workshop is based on an earlier workshop with the Theatre Directing students, in which they were only able to use 360 video to make the VR component, because they didn’t have the Immersive Media students to collaborate with. Information on this earlier version of the workshop can be found here: VR directing.